Former Legal Head Seeks Permission to Advertise Crypto in the UK


The world of cryptocurrencies has rapidly developed over the past decade, gaining huge popularity and attention of both individual investors and institutional players. In the United Kingdom, as in many other countries, the legal and regulatory frame surrounding cryptocurrency is of great importance. Recently, the former legal director applied for permission to advertise cryptocurrencies in the UK, which caused discussions about the problems and possibilities of regulation and capabilities. In this article, we will delve into the normative landscape surrounding cryptocurrency advertising in the UK, emphasizing the difficulties and potential advantages.

Advertising landscape of cryptocurrencies

Advertising plays a key role in accepting and promoting any financial product or service, and cryptocurrency is no exception. Cryptocurrency advertising can cover a wide range of messages from educational content aimed at informing the public in advertising materials intended to attract investments. Given the inalienable risks and volatility associated with cryptocurrencies, the regulation of advertising in this space is crucial for protecting consumers from potential harm.

Current regulatory framework

The regulatory framework for advertising cryptocurrencies in the UK are primarily regulated by the Office of advertising standards (ASA) and the management of financial behavior (FCA). ASA is responsible for ensuring that advertising ads in various media corresponds to British advertising codes, while FCA controls the promotion of financial products and services, including cryptocurrency.

Historically, the FCA supported a cautious approach to cryptocurrency advertising, mainly from the unregulated nature of the industry and the potential of the consumer to the Consumer. In January 2020, the FCA introduced a ban on the sale of crypto-deryvativas and exchange notes (ETN) for retail consumers, referring to fears about high risks associated with these products. This ban also extended to advertising related to cryptocurrency, preventing the promotion of such products for retail customers.

The prospect of the applicant

The former lawyer, requiring permission to advertise cryptocurrencies in the UK, claims that the landscape has changed significantly from the moment of the ban on FCA derivatives of cryptocurrencies. They indicate a growing institutional interest in cryptocurrencies, the development of regulatory frames in other countries and the potential advantages of informed and responsible advertising.

One of the key arguments of the applicant is that responsible advertising can help tell the public about cryptocurrencies, their potential advantages and risk associated with them. They argue that, allowing to carefully oversee and regulated advertising, consumers can make more reasonable decisions on whether to interact with cryptocurrencies, thereby reducing the likelihood of falling the victim of fraud or the introduction of poorly informed investments.

The normative is the legal task

Balancing the need to protect consumers with the desire to promote innovation and investment in the cryptocurrency space is a formidable problem for regulators. On the one hand, excessively restrictive rules can suppress the growth and innovation of the industry, repulsing legal enterprises and investors. On the other hand, weak rules can leave consumers vulnerable to fraud and financial losses.

Regulators should carefully consider the following factors when evaluating cryptocurrency advertising:

Investors’ protection. The main responsibility of regulatory authorities is to protect investors and consumers. Any regulatory framework should arrange priorities in protection against fraud, misleading advertising and risky investments.

The integrity of the market: regulators must guarantee that advertising does not undermine the integrity of financial markets and did not promote illegal activities, such as money laundering or tax evasion.

Education and information: encouraging responsible advertising can help consumers about the risks and advantages of cryptocurrencies, which allows them to make reasonable decisions.

International coordination: Given the global nature of cryptocurrencies, regulators should coordinate efforts with international colleagues to create a harmonized approach to advertising standards.

Potential advantages

The resolution of regulated cryptocurrency advertising in the UK can have several advantages:

Investors’ trust: an adjustable advertising frame can instill in both retail and institutional investors, encouraging a more responsible participation in the cryptocurrency market.

Industry growth: enterprises related to cryptocurrency in the UK may experience growth and attract international investments if they can advertise their services in a transparent and joint method.

Consumer education. Educational advertising can help consumers better understand the risks and remuneration associated with cryptocurrencies, potentially reducing the likelihood of falling the victim of fraud.

Innovations: a balanced normative approach can contribute to innovations in the cryptocurrency industry, which will lead to the development of new and innovative financial products and services.


The statement of the former head of the legal director about the advertising of cryptocurrency in the UK put forward the complex problems of regulation related to this new class of assets. The application of the correct balance between the protection of investors and the growth of the industry is of paramount importance. Regulators must carefully consider the potential advantages of responsible advertising, while maintaining an vigilant position against fraudulent or misleading advertising shares. Ultimately, a well-thought-out regulatory framework can contribute to a safer and more informed environment for cryptocurrency investors in the UK.

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